in a workshop at the FolkSchool, one of my all time favorite places to be.
Conveniently, it is Tuesday. The second day of the week--named for the Norse God Tyr--God of single combat. God of the hanged--because he judged. He's frequently portrayed with one hand, the other having been bitten off by Fenris.
Today I judged. Harshly. A good friend and a person I claim to love. Another person---just not living up to his potential. "And why don't you_______________," I said. "It makes perfect sense!" "How can you waste your time doing _________and ___________ and _______?"
There was of course truth in my rantings. But I suspect I was really having the conversation with myself. The-- you're not good enough, you're not doing enough, you're simply not enough-- conversation.
For those of you blessed to not have had that conversation with yourself---I encourage you...right now...Call your parents. Thank them.
For the rest of us--we just keep weeding. Eventually there will be room for all the flowers to grow.
I'm sorry friend.
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