Today, I erred. First! I sent my spouse. NEVER send the uninitiated to procure one's drug of choice. I missed my walk. Granted, it's only a few blocks, but hefting my middle aged body up from the computer and going outside for 20 minutes is part of the ritual.
Said spouse returns. Triumphant. With my "Soy Latte." ONE sip later I SPUTTER, "What the heck is this?" I probably didn't say heck. But we'll assume I should have. Turns out the man brought back a "Snowy Latte," the week's most popular drink. Apparently a "Snowy Latte" is 1 part coffee, one part vanilla, and 8 parts sugar. Quite popular, but not my cup of coffee.
Chastened (They try so hard to please us.) he returned to the Human Bean and very politely said, um, "The wicked shrew I live with says this is not potable," or something like it. And to her credit, and one more reason why I Like the Humans of the Human Bean, she smiled. Explained what she'd thought he'd ordered. Made him another. ME another. And sent him back home with my salvation and a coupon.
Moral of this story, a Snowy Latte is not a substitute for a Soy Latte. Get off your butt and get your own coffee. And when you find the right coffee place, utilize and appreciate them.
Easy earrings #15--Czech glass firepolished rondelles, sterling silver wire and findings, and freshwater pearls.
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