I'm certain, were I to have such a fairy, that I'd be routinely annoyed by her presence. But occasionally it would be nice to have her flutter around--"It's time for bed, Kristen." "Clean off your desk, Kristen." "You've misspelled that word, Kristen." The word in case was ship. I suggested to a very kind customer that I would "ship her beads tomorrow." Unfortunately, rather than a "p," the word ship contained a "t." Her funny return email suggested she'd be glad to wait if this took more time than expected.
I am routinely grateful for kind and funny customers. I have many. You know who you are, and I thank you.
Earrings #14--Japanese chain maille with faceted pear drops. Simple, but time consuming.
THATS what I need...only Im so disorganised, I need one who will remind me to eat.
and OH MY..the typo is funny:)
Mine would have to nag me to stop eating! : )
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