"We must pray literally without ceasing—without ceasing—in every occurrence and employment of our lives . . . that prayer of the heart which is independent of place or situation, or which is rather a habit of lifting up the heart to God as in a constant communication with Him." Elizabeth Ann Seton
Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first canonized saint born in America. I remember going with my grandmother to her shrine as a young girl--and being utterly mesmerized. In the gift shop you could purchase tiny threads of her clothing. That somehow these scraps would protect or benefit you. And how appalled I was that no one with me had the forethought to purchase any.
Latin words--Reliquus (to remain) and Relinquere (to leave behind.) It seems like my 40's have been all about the burden (joy) of choosing what will remain, and what will be relinquished. It never seems to become clear until I'm working--with my hands, and not with my head. While I still wish sometimes I could be an 8 year old with a fresh wonder of the saints--lately I'm grateful that my working hands lead me to peace. A clear head. Reason. I don't know if Mother Ann Seaton would agree--but that's what I think prayer is.
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