Persistent, Stubborn, and obstinate. 3 synonyms for tenacious. And I'm quite sure I like none of them. I want to claim my tenacity BOLDLY. Magnet it to the fridge. Print it on a t-shirt.
I am back selling beads on ebay. A part of me relishes the familiarity. Another part of me chimes: "Aren't you supposed to be making things?" "Aren't you an artist, Kristen?" So here goes. I aim to tenaciously, persistently, and stubbornly make things. Please hold me accountable.
I am back selling beads on ebay. A part of me relishes the familiarity. Another part of me chimes: "Aren't you supposed to be making things?" "Aren't you an artist, Kristen?" So here goes. I aim to tenaciously, persistently, and stubbornly make things. Please hold me accountable.
Hey Kristen! I can't wait to see your work. Don't be a stranger.
Thanks, Steve! Ditto. I'd love to post some pics of your beautiful beads!
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