It pours. This week I've dealt with: Infidelity, Layoffs, and a depression that would be kicking me in the acorns (it's good to stick to a theme) if I had them. Tomorrow I have class and I don't want to go. Being 43, even if I feel like I'm 12, I will go. I think. I've laid out my clothes and shoes and unread textbooks on the firm belief that a person can create their own path. I know I'm not the center of the universe. And I know some of you are struggling even harder than I am. If you're not, please reach out to your friends. They do need you. If you are, please hang in there. If you can't even lay out your clothes, then throw on your sweats, step outside, and breathe in deeply. And then do it again an hour later. This too shall pass. This too shall pass. This too shall pass.
Hi Kristen, I just popped in to see what you are up to...so sorry to see that you are having a rough time. From your post yesterday, it appears that you are doing a little better-"Bloom Where You Are Planted" seems hopeful. Know that you have a friend, if you ever want to talk. Thinking of you and wishing you happier times. ~Mindy
Hey you. Yeah, I'm doing ok. Made it to class (WOOT) and the week has gotten progressively better. I'm getting used to the ebb and flow of depression (after 40 odd years...) but darn these situational things that come along and kick us in the rump. As always, 'Preciate you! Kristen
I'm glad your week is getting better. Life is full of ups and downs and that is where a lot of those motivational sayings come from..."just do it"-meant for sports, but appropriate for any challenging situation, "put one foot in front of the other", etc. Life always gets better with time...hang onto your hope, pray for understanding and patience and savor a cup of hot cocoa!~Mindy
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