Keys show up when you reconcile yourself to the bus. --John Green
I've mentioned my fascination with vintage keys. Part of the appeal is their foreignness. They bear little resemblance to their predecessors. Another merit is their heft. Most of the vintage keys I've been purchasing in bulk are steel. They have a solidity to them that is reassuring. (100 year old keys did not break off in the lock.) Lastly--some of them have cryptic messages. One of them I won't be parting with has "Sparkle" written across it's face. Sparkle! Now this is a direction I plan to try and follow!
Oh, I want a "SPARKLE" skeleton key too! Hmmm, if you don't have two, maybe you have one that says, "326"? ~Mindy
I found a second sparkle key, and it's yours! But first, being the nosey creature I am....why 326?
Yippie...it's my lucky day! 326 is the day I began to "SPARKLE"! Let me know when you have it posted and where (Etsy or Ebay) and I will go in and buy it. Of course, I will have to take a look at your other beads as well! Thanks Kristen...you made my day! @//(°_°)\\@ ~Mindy
Nope. It's a gift. Holler if you see anything, but holler anyway if you don't. I'll plan to ship it either Thursday or Friday. (I appear to be incapable of working today and am taking a snow day!)
Kristen, I was given a vintage desk that I am now calling my bead desk and I saw your keys on Etsy. It has two doors on either side that don't have handles but key holes. I wonder if your keys would fit in them? They are unlocked, I just need something to help open the doors rather than pull on the ornate wood work that sits on the glass doors. Can you tell me what the measurement is of the part that goes into the lock?
Hey Erin. I've got over a hundred keys now. I went on a mad key rampage. Email me with the size you think might work, I'll send you 5 or 6 keys and you can pay for whatever you keep...if you want to try it that way. Kristen
That's so sweet of you Kristen- THANK YOU! My week just keeps getting better and better! I stopped into your ebay store for a few beads this afternoon...I should be done shopping by tomorrow...maybe.... Enjoy your snow! :) ~Mindy
Mindy May Louise! That was more than a few. Thank you!
That sounds like a plan, thank you Kristen. I'll measure it tomorrow as best one can measure a keyhole.
Sorry, Kristen. I got sick and now they want to light me up with radiation. I still want those keys. Let me find the measure tape and send you an email via an etsy key...provided you still have the keys. Thanks, and again, sorry. -Erin
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