Thursday, June 25, 2009

Keys to Sanity?

Sanity is madness put to good use--George Santayana

I've saved the 4 people reading this blog from details of the mayhem in my life. (Well, since most of you are exes you probably wouldn't be too surprised.) But the combined voodoo magic of bike riding in 100 degree weather with 50 percent relative humidity, melting glass in fire, avoiding caffeine and chanting "I am a goddess, I am a goddess," seems to be doing the trick. OK, I'm not chanting. Affirmations are good, I firmly believe, but who the heck has energy to chant after giving up coffee. Sheesh.

Monday, June 22, 2009


I've always liked this bead shape...but 'em!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

You're doing WHAT in Oklahoma??????

Aside from trying not to gripe about bugs, humidity, and psychotic cats, I am doing two things in Oklahoma. I am riding my bike. (Between 4 and 10 miles a day.) And I'm making beads. It's something I haven't done in years. And in a odd twistie (bead humor, snort) I'm getting help from the person I taught to make beads about 5 years ago. (He rapidly surpassed my knowledge and talent.) But it's fun. And I'm getting better!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Lions and Tigers and Chiggers, Oh My!

I'd forgotten. Just simply forgotten. Sure, in Nevada I'd acquired a chapstick habit. Yep, winter in Reno sucks! But I'd conveniently forgotten Oklahoma's charms: Humidity, ticks, and chiggers. Not quite the 7th, 6th, and 5th rings of hell--but, well, close.

I just got back from a twelve hour hike in the Wichita Mountains. The area is a wildlife refuge for bison and cows--the long horned variety. Those of you who know anything about me know that I was probably ill prepared for a 12 hour hike....straight up the mountain, granite boulders to climb up and around, poison oak and ivy. Oh, and did I mention ticks, chiggers, and humidity? At one point when I was protesting my assumed ability to continue hiking, something resembling more of a shriek than a whine, I looked up and realized I was 10 feet from a buffalo (well, bison.) I knew my spirit animal wasn't a cougar---but I hadn't considered a buffalo. Yet.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Spin the Bottle

I'm back in Oklahoma going to weddings, (Not mine, assuredly), working on relationships, and clearing out clutter. It's simply wrong to have belongings stored in 4 different states! The find of the week? 5 gazillion vintage bottle caps. Fun!